Dímage Color Convertion Plug-In Ported to The GIMP 2.0


Laurent Houdard wrote the original dimage-color plug-in for The GIMP 1.2, available on the original site as well as here.

The plug-in converts from the color space used by the Minolta Dímage 5/7 digital cameras to the sRGB color space used in The GIMP and lots of other image manipulation software.


Because I switched to The GIMP 2.0 recently I had a need for the plug-in ported to this new version. I haven't found one on the internet so I did the port myself. The result is this patch.

To install the dimage-color plug-in for The GIMP 2 you have to do the following few steps:

# tar xzf gimp-dimage-color-1.1.0.tar.gz # cd gimp-dimage-color-1.1.0 # patch -p1 < ../dimage-color-gimp2.patch # ./configure # make # su # cp src/dimage_color /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/